E & R Grocery Store i Cockburn Town

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Cockburn Town TKCA 1ZZ, Turks i Caicos
Kontakter telefon: +1-649
Latitude: 21.4779161, Longitude: -71.1475712
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Kommentar 5

  • Quinton Hall

    Quinton Hall


    and zeee43l3

  • Neroy Kennedy Jr.

    Neroy Kennedy Jr.


  • Phil Cammiade

    Phil Cammiade


    My father is buried in the cemetery. I lived there back in the late 1950's early 60's. The place certainly has changed. The grocery store was owned by Brian and Shirley Smith in those days. I used to serve customers with them and it did not look anything like the store today. In those days there was no hospital, no taxis, no hire vehicles and no hotels!! Just pristine beaches.

  • Derek Kramer

    Derek Kramer


    The Best Store in Grand Turks bar none! A must go to place!

  • Vikki Smith

    Vikki Smith


    Love the locals!

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