The Salt Raker Inn i Cockburn Town

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Duke Street, TKCA 1ZZ, Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, TC Turks and Caicos Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 649-946-2260
Latitude: 21.4611904, Longitude: -71.1468484
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Kommentar 5

  • Brian Hamel

    Brian Hamel


    Very affordable and literally across the street from the beach. Staff are incredibly friendly, welcoming, knowledgeable, and go above and beyond to help make your visit easier. The rooms are basic albeit large, with AC, tv, mini fridge, and coffee maker. Lots of Flora make the inner courtyard feel like a secluded get away. There is an open air bar that Is popular with locals. Be sure to go on a weekend night for live entertainment! Drinks and food were great, and portions were perfect. I highly recommend renting a car, bike, or golf cart while visiting to be able to see all of the island. FYI: THIS IS NOT ON PROVIDENCIALES, THIS IS ON GRAND TURK WHICH YOU MUST TAKE A SECOND SMALL FLIGHT TO.

  • Laura Smith

    Laura Smith


    This little restaurant was just what we were looking for. It was low key and fun. We both loved what we ordered! The fish was especially delicous. It was an excellent value on Grand Turk!

  • R PM

    R PM


    One of the truly great spots in the Caribe....We would fly over from Puerto Plata and stay a few days....The beach, the water and the sea breeze through the Palms...It was like stepping out of a Robert Louis Stevenson novel.....All quite incredible.

  • Howard D. Nash

    Howard D. Nash


    One of my favorite places to stay or go for drinks. The food is also great...try the Pork Chops, you can't go wrong.

  • Andrew Bilukha

    Andrew Bilukha


    This is quite possibly, the best place on the Island. Safe and secure. Sparkling clean, polite, fantastic local and international food, creative drinks at the bar. Very welcoming, and accommodating, cozy and warm atmosphere. The hotel is right on the shore with a fantastic sunset views, and immediate to the beach. The next time I am coming to Grand Turk, this will be the place I will be staying. Check their website, they have a special if you're in for a longer stay, or want to scuba dive with the Grand Turk Diving Co. The place is located in the center of the island, so you are within walking distance to everything. Bike and scuba diving at the Grand Turk Diving Co., supermarket and liquor store nearby. Good for singles or families.

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