Secret Garden i Cockburn Town

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Duke Street, TKCA 1ZZ, Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, TC Turks i Caicos
Kontakter telefon: +1 649-243-2666
Latitude: 21.4609339, Longitude: -71.1470884
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Kommentar 5

  • Stanley Matthew

    Stanley Matthew


  • kisha williams

    kisha williams


  • Stephen D

    Stephen D


  • Libby Charlton BL

    Libby Charlton BL


    I live on Grand Turk and I am always grateful that I live so close to the Secret Garden. They do amazing breakfasts, a great lunch and it's always nice to call in for a beer after a hard day. I couldn't recommend a visit enough.

  • Andrew Gill

    Andrew Gill


    Ate here twice. First during the afternoon when we were the only restaurant patrons,service was extremely slow, but about what I expected for island time. Bar was full of locals being bombastic. Food was decent, but not spectacular. Fried plantains were really good. Next time we ate here, was for Friday night music, with the saw and screwdriver player. He was part of a band. Music was supposed to start around 8pm, but didn't get started until 8:30 to 8:45. There are a limited amount of tables so we didn't stay long to allow others the chance to eat.

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