Manta House Hotel i Cockburn Town

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Duke Street, TKCA 1ZZ, Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, TC Islas Turcas y Caicos
Kontakter telefon: +1 649-946-1111
Latitude: 21.4609295, Longitude: -71.1468762
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Kommentar 5

  • Phil Riehl

    Phil Riehl


    Our family spent 5 days at the Manta House and truly loved the accommodations and hospitality of the hosts. The location is perfect, not far from anything-then again it's a tiny island. We rented a golf cart to get around the island, and had meals at different places, most within walking distance of Manta House. The best food is at the Sandbar, same owners of the Manta House. The house is on a quiet street, and across the street is the beach, but not a crowded American beach. It's a great place to vacation if you like to slow down a little and enjoy the sunshine and amazing beaches, swimming, snorkeling and diving.

  • Jerry Brisson

    Jerry Brisson


    A delightful place to stay. Accommodations include three cottages which are clean and well maintained, however this is only the beginning. A stay at the Manta House is an immersion in community. Locals and travelers were a joy to talk with and provided a wealth of information. More than a place to stay, an enriching experience.

  • Chelsea Brisson

    Chelsea Brisson


    Amazing sister-run hotel with beautiful bungalows overlooking the ocean. Perfect location - on a side street lined with trees and flowers, close to town, and the most welcoming community around! Definitely recommend. Easy to rent bikes or golf carts to visit anywhere on the island, and a few dive shops to choose from within walking distance.

  • Claude S

    Claude S


    Wonderful location with extremely friendly staff. The location is superb, as you are about 5 steps from the beach and listen to the gentle waves from your bed. Restaurants and bars all located steps away in this quaint and picturesque bungalow.

  • Gwen Lesperance

    Gwen Lesperance


    I can not say enough about this place! I feel at home each and every time I visit. The location is great and the accommodations are really comfortable. I have stayed in the Jungle Bungalow and the Middle Bungalow, both which were impressive. Full kitchens and outdoor seating add to the already complete living areas. Kat and Tonya know how to host! They are so welcoming and helpful! You will feel like you are returning home when you arrive! I am returning with my daughter to stay in the North Bungalow soon and I am really looking forward to it. I know it is going to be a great trip! The beach is across the street and the Sandbar, which has amazing food and drinks is just a few steps away. Dive shops are only a 3 minute walk away. If you are heading to Grand Turk, I highly recommend the Manta House....

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