Pillory Beach i Cockburn Town

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Cockburn Town, TKCA 1ZZ, Turks and Caicos, Cockburn Town TKCA 1ZZ, Turks and Caicos Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1-649
Latitude: 21.4805504, Longitude: -71.1486836
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Kommentar 3

  • Amanda Reaume

    Amanda Reaume


  • Lisa Fitzherbert

    Lisa Fitzherbert


    We were not hotel guests, but there on a port day from our cruise ship. We rented a beach chair for $10 each. It was not very crowded at all. We swam in the beautiful waters and basked in the sun. We had lunch there, and it was very good. We may even return there on another trip.

  • Jerry Brisson

    Jerry Brisson


    Beautiful sandy beach with easy access and no crowds. Parking may be found at the Southern end of the beach. Although this beach is listed as some of the best snorkelling on the island, you'll spend a lot of time finding a few nice spots. Stay to the Southern side of the boat channel. On a day with little boat traffic a good swimmer may venture out to the wall, a 6,000 ft underwater trench. Marine life abounds near the wall however 30' deep water makes it difficult to see or dive to. Scuba diving is excellent a long the wall.

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