Cockburn Town Beach i Cockburn Town

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Cockburn Town TKCA 1ZZ, Turks i Caicos
Kontakter telefon: +1-649
Latitude: 21.4685164, Longitude: -71.1468671
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Kommentar 4

  • Team-Rudy Journeys & Reviews

    Team-Rudy Journeys & Reviews


    Was here on a Friday afternoon and the beach was deserted. No shops were open and no one was around. The beach was absolutely beautiful. The piers had obviously been damaged by the most recent hurricane but I couldn't resist walking out on the one pier and I was rewarded with a beautiful view. If we had brought a picnic basket it would have been a perfect spot to have a romantic lunch. The water was crystal clear and you can see the amazing colors in the pictures. We just waded in the water for a little while before heading into town to explore. A few shops being open would have been nice, not quite sure where everyone was.

  • lotus fritz

    lotus fritz


    A lot of fun

  • Rob Nance

    Rob Nance


    Beautiful beach but not much else

  • Jerry Brisson

    Jerry Brisson


    Public access to one of many fine beaches along the Western shore. Parking may be difficult to find at times. The waters are clear and contain several coral nodes as well as old coral formations, no longer a living reef. Snorkelling is fair with numerous small fish ad well as areas with little marine life. From shore look close at the color of water offshore where it changes from turquoise to dark blue. This change in color is the s"tart of "The Wall" a 7,000 foot deep trench attracting scuba divers from around the world.

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