John's Ocean View Bar & Rerstaurant i Cockburn Town

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Front Street, TKCA 1ZZ, Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, TC Turks i Caicos
Kontakter telefon: +1 649-243-7157
Latitude: 21.4731527, Longitude: -71.1480819
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Kommentar 5

  • Tatiana Hamilton

    Tatiana Hamilton


    Best fish & conch we have ever EVER eaten

  • Frederick Braithwaite II

    Frederick Braithwaite II


    Great island food snacks cooked with love. Great local drink flavours and upbeat bartenders.

  • Christopher Cooper

    Christopher Cooper


    Great drink prices. Beach is super close. Beautiful area

  • Alex Aponte

    Alex Aponte


    Don't let the look of the place fool you! They have great food and the owner is a great person. You have to try there fried Conch 🍻

  • Denise Aponte

    Denise Aponte


    We stopped here while exploring the island and we ordered a couple of beers and fried conch. The food was fresh and delicious and the beer was cold. The owners are very friendly and delightful.

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