Barbie's Bar & Restaurant i Cockburn Town

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🕗 Åbningstider

Front Street, TKCA 1ZZ, Cockburn Town, Grand Turk, TC Turks i Caicos
Kontakter telefon: +1 561-819-9069
Latitude: 21.4723772, Longitude: -71.1476846
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Kommentar 5

  • Austin Smith

    Austin Smith


    Barbie bar and restaurant is one of the best place s in town to eat

  • Frank Bruno

    Frank Bruno


    Amazing food. Wonderful view and good people. Free WiFi. :)

  • TheAncky03



    Nice people, food has great price. And I was able to call home. She was great was there the day Irma was coming...Thanks

  • Mary Filer

    Mary Filer


    Rod and I fell in love with the cracked conch, chicken and rice served to us. The owner and her staff are the best. And, we are looking forward to returning back for a visit and some more delicious food and friendly people.

  • Vanessa Lindsay

    Vanessa Lindsay


    Conch fritters the best! One of the few near there that stay open past 3:00 in the afternoon! Love the picnic tables out front and the view......killer view....ahhhhhhhh

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