Turks and Caicos National Museum i Cockburn Town

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Front Street Cockburn, Cockburn Town TKCA 1ZZ, Turks and Caicos Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 649-946-2160
Hjemmeside: www.tcmuseum.org
Latitude: 21.471663, Longitude: -71.1475199
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Kommentar 5

  • Brandon DeHamer

    Brandon DeHamer


    Really small, but well worth the $5. Enjoyed the exhibits and really enjoyed the AC!

  • Algie Long

    Algie Long


    Nice place. Very beautiful.

  • Frederick Braithwaite II

    Frederick Braithwaite II


    See the countrys history and different pieces found in the waters around the island. If you want to be educated on the TCI the museum is the first stop for you.

  • PeterJ Romano

    PeterJ Romano


    Interesting local facts. Never really hear much about these islands but they are so beautiful and have a rich history and culture. Very enjoyable visit.

  • David Watson

    David Watson


    Not much to it, it's just the experience of going. Some interesting tidbits of the culture.

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