Grand Turk Cruise Center i Turks Islands

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TKCA 1ZZ, Turks and Caicos Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 649-946-2939
Latitude: 21.4272988, Longitude: -71.1448511
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Kommentar 5

  • Frank Caputo

    Frank Caputo


    Grand Turk is the capital of Turks/Caicos and is a beautiful beach. Carnival Cruise lines does this very well, with their own security, their own beach chairs and umbrellas. Done extremely well, nice people, great bars and places to eat. A bit limited in shopping (at the port), but can't beat the sand and water.

  • Doug Masheff

    Doug Masheff


    This place is awesome if you want to get off the ship and do some walking, shopping, swimming, dining or drinking. The entire area is kept clean and the shop owners are friendly as is the wait staff. The pool is huge and the kids were loving it.

  • Chris Claypoole

    Chris Claypoole


    I really liked the shops here. Not so much the big company stores, but the gazebo with a few dozen local crafters and some locally based stores. There are the big chain stores of that's your thing, with clothing and jewelry, etc. My wife and I are at the point of our lives where we place more value on unique and/or personal gifts to bring home. And some prices, like Tortuga Rum Cakes, are less than on the cruise ship. The beach is good, too. Not very crowded while we were there, and the swimming limits clearly roped off. We have been here three times, with different experiences each time, and they were all very good.

  • David Young

    David Young


    Stopover on a P&O cruise. Don't need to purchase an excursion here - just get off the ship early and grab a couple of deckchairs on the beach. Stunning locations, both on the beach and in the cruise centre pool area where I enjoyed a proper American burger and fries. Deeelish! Nice to see the crew get off and have a great time too. Thank you P&O. Thank you Grand Turk.

  • Aonika Russell

    Aonika Russell


    WOW - Grand Turk did such a great job of cleaning up the Cruise Terminal in record time after Hurricane Season this year. When we arrived they were planting new trees, but the water was back to being blue and beautiful and everything was cleaned up. The shops are open and in full force and the port itself has places to swim right off of the dock. The water was perfect and there were lots of things to see right in the port (like the Apollo landing museum and the giant whale). Definitely would visit again.

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